You must survive.
Attempting to kiss your memory goodbye hurts every ounce of my being,
it exhausts every cell within me, it cripples my heart and burns my throat,
You must survive,
And the destiny that awaits me is lost In a motherland that’s left behind
my free floating spirit is left there In its trauma,
left to cage it's ache, left to battle
against its tyrant, left to fight a bit more and to love a bit more.
You must survive,
For here I am, yet again, overwhelmed with the inability to overcome the
sorrow of longing for a place that is more of a divine state that pulls me
into contentment,
more of a call to prayer that breathes new life into my ancient soul,
more of the sound of my beloved’s laughter,
more of the smell of a rain-covered street I found refuge In,
More of warmth, more of bliss,
more of ease and reminisce.
You must survive,
You will survive,
Oh dear, please do survive.
